Tuesday, April 28, 2009

good morning you!

this is so awesome. that's all.

via swiss-miss.com

Monday, April 27, 2009

black kids are cool!

i went to this super fun concert last week at the commodore where the black kids played with mates of states and bought this sweet canvas bag! these are definitely my favourite for the summer and the graphic on it is just hilariously weird and bizarro. me likey! 

check out their music for some fun dance party tunes www.blackkidsmusic.com

go watch this! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vaa4eGOtrTg

Friday, April 24, 2009

too pretty not to post

i know these have been circulating all over the internet, but how lovely are these earth day cupcakes from the gorgeous jewels of new york? so amazing. i wonder if they taste as good as they look. you know? sometimes they don't, but these are just so beautiful to look at. 

check out recipes they post online and other beautiful things they sell at http://www.thejewelsofny.com/

Monday, April 13, 2009

i heart thu cao

i just got back from cuba yesterday and have lots to blog about but first, i want to give regular shout-outs to people i've met doing really sweet things, i think i'm going to make a mini-series out of it, so first up: this incredible goddess like being, thu cao.

this is what people have to say about her:
Thu Cao was born on a tropical island in the far East to a family of misguided idealistic Communist, to be raised in the Northern BC Mountains by a pack of cheeky wild wolves. For the last decade Thu has made a humble home in the beautifully sedated City of Vancouver. Thu is a self taught artist, who is titillated with painting portraits of desire and all its many faces.

this is what i have to say about her:
this beautiful, eclectic and uncomprimising soul dabbles in between the lines of love, lust and the humanity of all sexuality. her work is vivid, frank and invigorating both visually and consciously and it translates so clearly onto canvas and paper. necessarily graphic the shock value in itself can give one an epiphany of sorts. can you handle her art? come and see for yourself tonight at the libra room: her second show following her premiere solo exhibit "the beautiful sex" last fall. "S' approcher" is at the libra room, 1608 commercial drive from 8pm-1am.

Friday, April 3, 2009

vinyl rugs - arzu firuz

i found a link this designer's work from ohjoyblogs.com and i found this amazing project! vinyl rugs from french designer arzu firuz. they must be laser cut to get that elaborate detail and the result is so exquisite! im not sure how practical these are but seriously, floor art has got to be one of those supreme indulgences, that and a specially made for outdoor flatscreen tv.

tres cool indeed.  check out the website:  http://en.arzu-firuz.com/collections