Friday, January 30, 2009

eames chairs

i absolutely adore the design of the eames shell chairs and find myself asking do i buy the knockoff that looks exactly the same? or do 1 go and pay around $250 and up for the original versions? is it about aesthetics or authenticity? i've always been caught in the middle as i totally appreciate originality and workmanship, but my wallet has other beliefs.

after seeing this movie. i've made my decision, i will save up and get the genuine goods. 

this video is amazing all that hard work and labour, how much thought and planning that went into the design, how meticulous the measurements and details are, i could go on but ultimately without a doubt the eames chairs are worth every penny - - when i'll actually see one in my living room.... it might be a while. 

(thanks to w. for first showing me the film)

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